Thursday, August 19, 2021

Golf day #1

Played my first golf today since being in Kansas. It was at the course we have as our practise facilities, Reflection Ridge. I was happy with the way I played, scoring +2 through 9 holes 😁
Lovely to be out playing golf with the girls! First of many times hopefully! 


  1. Fabulous, looks a great golf course, so jealous of your weather-pouring here and cold!!
    Lots of love Nanna xx ⛳😀⛳💕

  2. Great to see you've settled in so quickly and smashing the golf already! Have fun. Sarah B

  3. Hi, we have managed to get on to your blog!!! Good to hear you arrived safely and found one of the courses.

    I will try to match your "2 over par" when I play at Lee Park on Thursday. I don't know what will happen after the 1st hole though!

    Every blessing Martin and Val


5 weeks down?!

​Sophomore year is currently flying by, 5 weeks and 1 tournament already gone by.  Tournament 1 for us was in Tulsa, Oklahoma- tough tough c...